We select best-fit top-level experts and examine their potential for a new role
Following the best experts
Candidates assessment
Providing top-quality lists for business
Helping employee to achieve first results
We maintain a database of candidates and track their career path, in order to have a clear vision of the candidates marketplace and be able to identify perfect-match experts, including those not currently searching for a new job.
We provide a comprehensive report for a candidate, with an evaluation on 20+ parameters: including their response to problems and strict regulations, hidden motives and key competences unfolding within the work process.
We identify the most suitable experts, matching a position and business goals of the client. We evaluate their both hard, soft, and metaskills and make sure there'll be a cultural fit with the company values.
We carry out onboarding of a candidate with the support of a coach and an onboarding team — this is how the specialist quickly plunges into work and begins to close business goals in the first 3-6 months.
— Hogan
— Tech Pre-screening
— Structured interview
— Competency-based interview
— Performer, our own