An advertising holding needed to find out if it was worth looking for a replacement for the current media CEO
The media sector brought 60% of the company's total profit, it was planned to be actively developed. It was important for the client to understand whether there are strong specialists in the market or whether it is worth keeping the previous employee.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Started with the mapping: we made a detailed market map and found 40 CEOs with the necessary competencies in the media field
Moved from market analysis to interviews with the best candidates
To make a complete map of the market, we chose 30-40 companies that are most similar to the client. 10 of them were analyzed especially carefully, since they were practically on the same level with the client's company.

We studied CEO competencies, skills, experience, and work results in recent years. We chose 40 specialists, for whom we compiled detailed profiles.
The client selected 7 candidates for the interview. We collected detailed references for 2 suitable specialists, in the final 1 of them received an offer.
Completed the work with the release of the new CEO to the media department
Thanks to mapping, the client understood the real situation on the market and was able to quickly select the best candidate for a key position in the company.