Career strategy
Many candidates have faced the desire or need to relocate, but the process of building a career in Europe and the US has its own characteristics.
Compiling a CV, the stages of passing an interview and the interview itself in global companies has its own specifics, which may often be unfamiliar to job seekers.

Professional BE-EXEC.TECH consultants will help you understand the peculiarities and requirements of the international market, based on personality testing, make a list of companies that suits you, assess professional competencies and build a plan for developing a global career.


Changed location

Purposefully choose a leading company in the tech industry

This is especially actual for candidates who:

How is the work with the BE-EXEC consultant going?
  • 1
    Diagnosis of the current professional background
  • 2
    Determining the desired Career
  • 3
    Revision of strengths, skills and competencies
  • 4
    Compilation of CV and LinkedIn profile according to international standards
  • 5
    Assessment of the market situation
  • 6
    Determination of the format of the company and tasks that will bring pleasure and results through The Performer system *
  • 7
    Drawing up Strategy Career plan
*A unique personality test that allows to determine the core values of the applicant and select the companies that are right for him. For more