Finding and relocating professional teams for fashion retail businesses
Large fashion retail companies that operate 100+ factories across China and employ thousands of workers in 5 different countries, have a current business need that unites them all — onboard unique professional teams. In total, we had to find and relocate professional teams (Head of production, quality control managers) to China. All these businesses partnered with Be-EXEC to make it happen fast and with the highest quality.

Many candidates that we had in the market lacked the qualifications required for these positions within large and modern companies and some of them didn't want to relocate to China. So, we had to solve these challenges.
Stage 1
Stage 2
Assembled a list of relevant companies and people
Conducted a detailed research in fashion manufacturing
We've compiled a list of companies that hire people with relevant experience for our positions.

Throughout our search, we considered the clients' fundamental requirements: work experience, needed skills, international background, and proficiency in English.
Despite the lack of specialists in the market possessing the required skill set, our team applied in-house approaches to find the right candidates.

In total, during the search process, we identified 500+ relevant people, reviewed their qualifications, and interviewed around 100 of them. 40 of 50 presented candidates attended interviews with the client, and 10 received job offers.
Over the span of 3 months, all candidates received job offers
All candidates have extensive experience in clothing production and technology, and they excelled in the technical tasks during the hiring process.

The clients of ours are happy with the delivered results.